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Age 5 - 12
Little Vikings
Mixed Martial Arts for kids where they will become more self-confident all while getting fit and leaning to defend themselves better. We work according to the International Mixed Martial Arts Federation ruleset keeping the kids safe in a controlled environment. All our kids are taught the IMMAF rules for their respective age divisions and parents will be happy to know that the rules dictate no strikes to the head in all youth categories. Kids will extend their skill sets ranging from stand up striking to effective takedowns and submission grappling once grounded! Kids will also be afforded the opportunity once they turn 12 to compete at a national and international level in MMA.
Age 5+
Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Kids and adults at Gracie Barra Alberton work according to the Gracie Barra syllabus which covers 96 techniques spanned over 16 weeks on a rotation basis. Kids follow the GBK syllabus as to where the adults follow the GB1, GB2 or GB3 syllabus. With over 800 schools worldwide Gracie Barra is the place to be to start your Jiu-Jitsu journey!
Age 5+
Amateur Wrestling
The age-old sport that enjoys Olympic favour. Our classes cater for the young and old and adding wrestling to your already established training will improve your skill sets many folds… add levels to your game. Increase your speed and takedown prowess through amateur wrestling.
Age 13+
Mixed Martial Arts
Have you ever wanted to get involved in MMA but thought it to be too rough? MMA is a great sport when it comes to getting fit, learning a combat sport and in addition it will most certainly help you in a self-defence situation. The good news is you are under no obligation to go fight in the cage, take your training journey one class at a time and work at your own pace! All our members are taught the IMMAF rule set and we have forged great relationships within the SA MMA community allowing us to best manage your athlete career should you choose to compete.
Age 5+
Our Judo classes cater for both adults and kids. Learning to perform basic to highly technical throws comes from drilling techniques over and over. We are part of Kodokan Judo and we are blessed to have great leadership at our helm. This is a great sport to get kids involved in and they could have the opportunity to eventually represent their country at an Olympic Games.